Modern medical science makes it possible to prevent an incredible number of diseases.
Scientists have invented a vaccine against dangerous strains of human papillomavirus that can help protect themselves from infection and thus prevent the development of pathologies such as cervical cancer or other diseases.
However, the population has some prejudices about vaccines and no less common myths. But are they myths, as doctors say? Is it possible that there is a real health risk? And is it at all appropriate to do them in the case of human papillomavirus? We will now try to consider these issues and everyone will be able to solve them for themselves.
Today there are 2 vaccines from two different manufacturers – Gardasil and Cervarix. They both create immunity in the body to the most oncogenic strains – HPV-16 and HPV-18.
Vaccination must take place before the body comes into contact with the virus, ie before the first sexual experience. Therefore, doctors and scientists recommend starting the vaccine at the age of 9 to 26 years.
Thus, the vaccine is indeed able to prevent the development of cervical cancer. However, this does not exempt women from regular preventive examinations by gynecologists. Because according to statistical studies of American doctors – vaccination itself is worse at preventing cervical cancer than in combination with preventive gynecological examinations.
An important nuance – vaccines protect only against two carcinogenic strains, and there are 18. Although these two strains are the most common. But 100% guarantee that you will not get the papillomavirus, no one will be able to give.
Vaccines have their contraindications:
- If a person has a hypersensitivity
- or a past reaction to the vaccine
Adverse reactions during administration are quite rare, and in the vast majority are not life-threatening.
In combination with preventive examinations and smears from the cervix, you can get a good result in the prevention of cervical cancer. But the approach must be individual in deciding the prevention scheme.
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