Increased blood clotting, in which it becomes too thick, can provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this case, the blood thickens, even more, creating a blockage in the arteries, as a result of which a person automatically falls into the risk group of strokes, heart attacks, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and so on.
Why thin the blood?
Because the blood will be thinner, blood circulation will increase, and all the nutrients will reach the internal organs in full. In addition, blood thinning is a proven and effective method of preventing all of the above diseases.
How to thin the blood?
There are a lot of folkways to thin the blood, however, as well as drugs that have similar properties. One of the easiest ways is to take aspirin and drugs that contain it. But few people know that in addition to the benefits it can harm, so do not admire it. But we always have available foods that have the same ability to thin the blood.
A list of foods that help reduce blood density:
- Water. Yes, ordinary water can dilute the blood. There is a recommended dose – 2 liters per day.
- Olive oil. It is good for the whole body. It still works at the molecular level.
- Onions and garlic. They are not only excellent phytoncides but also excellent anticoagulants (not in the full sense of the word). No need to eat pounds. Quite a bit, but eat them every day. Add to dishes.
- Grapefruit. It not only helps to lose weight but also reduces the viscosity of the liquid fraction of the body. It contains a small amount of aspirin analog. At the same time raise immunity, cleanse the blood of cholesterol and plaque. But before eating citrus drink water (room temperature).
- Paprika, tomatoes – use them in your home cooking. Peppers can be frozen for the winter to use in cooking all winter.
- Ginger. It also helps to lose weight. And the blood thins. One continuous benefit from this product. And this is a great seasoning for many dishes.
- Cinnamon, cumin, dill – enrich your dishes with these spices.
- Salt. Choose sea salt, but use it in moderation.
- Oily fish – contains fatty acids, they do not allow platelets to stick together.
- Berries that contain salicylates: red currants, cherries, prunes, cranberries, grapes and raisins, strawberries. A large amount of salicylates is found in citrus fruits. No wonder they are recommended to eat during colds.
- Cabbage, beets, and radishes are excellent anticoagulants.
- Apples, pears, watermelon, cucumbers – due to the high amount of water they enrich the blood with the necessary water.
- Alcohol. This is a temporary measure and everyone remembers the harm of alcohol. In addition, the effect after alcohol will pass quickly, and often the blood coagulates quickly in the capillaries after this.
- Decoctions or infusions can be prepared from medicinal plants. Chestnut and willow bark can thin very thick blood.
- Cocoa. Drink to health, because It will help reduce blood viscosity.
- Pomegranate – it is rich not only in iron, but anticoagulants are also present in it.
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