Recent scientific research and surveys conducted by academics at the Medical School at University of Miami have shown that continued, consistent, and long-term care of your heart often leads to more optimal neurological functioning. In turn, such care motivates and makes it possible for the heart to live longer, and in turn maximizing your health.
Many people disregard the reality, but a healthier heart is a sure-fire way to guarantee a healthier brain. In fact, the blood flow that goes to, originates within, and is pumped to your brain is quite critical to your cognitive functioning, memory, self-repair, maintenance, and even strengthening.
Those that take adequate care of themselves over their life such as avoiding cigarettes, maintaining a consistent workout, and following a practical diet daily are much more likely to experience a happy and healthy heart, as well as brain—your mind.
The nutrition and minerals from eating a healthy diet everyday rich in fruits and vegetables enhance and increase organ function, give your brain, as well as your heart, and other vital organs the food and energy it needs to perform at its best! In fact, that’s why so many specific fruits and vegetables are specifically referred to as “brain food” or “good for your blood”, because they do just that! Eating vegetables and fruits that are rich in nutrients known to also cleanse the blood are another very important pursuit to keep in mind on a daily basis to get your heart and health to a healthier you!
Cardiovascular activities, blood pressure, and your glucose (sugar) to sodium (salt) levels also contribute heavily towards the stability—or lack thereof—of your heart functionality, and in turn your mind (or brain). In fact, too much sugar or salt can negatively impact your heart and frequently leads to heart-attacks and other dangerous, cardiovascular oriented diseases—often around fat.
Diabetes is a prime example of why too much salt or sugar can be very bad for you—as well as too little. In consideration of your heart and health this is actually a perfect opportunity to shift back to the reality and concern of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. Those that smoke cigarettes or have in the past easily know and understand that nicotine—cigarettes in particular—like coffee (caffeine: a stimulant), often leads to appetite suppression.
If and when you are disturbing your appetite, you can in turn damage your heart, organs, blood, and ultimately leave you quite unhealthy—as you no longer know, or are neglecting, the proper times to eat and drink daily, or regularly throughout the day.
Pay special close attention to the amount of unnatural sugars or sweets you consume daily, and if possible, drop the consumption slowly over the course of 1-2 months to that of 1/3 of your current consumption, if possible, to better care for your heart—and your overall health.
It’s sometimes the seemingly most ‘little’ lifestyle changes that can make all the positive impact on your health—and in turn your heart, and mind.