If you have ever gone through a perpetual cycle of continuous weight loss and gain, you may have wondered why you must struggle to keep the weight off as your friends appear to maintain their weight with extreme ease.
Around this phenomenon, there are a number of causes that play a vital role. However, a new research conducted at University of Hospital Complex of Santiago points to a potential cause which related to hormones.
The Research and Its Findings
A team of researchers at Hospital Complex Santiago followed a group of around 104 people who had just completed a session of low caloric diet with their weight loss results. For 8 weeks following the low-calorie diet, researchers tested their insulin levels as well as their levels of leptin and ghrelin; both are the appetite-related hormones. After 8 week time, researchers weighed the participants and compare their hormone levels with weight gain.
Typically, a level of ghrelin hormone is higher before a meal. This signifies the hunger and they get lowered as soon as we consume the food. Leptin works exactly opposite by inhibiting the appetite. Its presence is usually low before a meal and it increases after eating.
Participants who regained more than 10% of their weight over the session of the 8-week study were found to have lower levels of ghrelin and a higher level of leptin as compared to those who didn’t experience the similar gain in their weight.
More research is required, however, hormone related difference between participants gives scientists and researchers a new way to look towards the weight loss plans. If scientists can identify the individuals who may strive to maintain the weight loss after a diet program due to their hormonal balance, they can also be able to give some specialized programs in order to counteract potential weight gain.
On a different not, the real reminder is that if you are pursuing the weight loss with diet alone, you are more likely to open yourself up to regain that weight. Various studies have shown that people who combine diet and exercise are more likely to maintain permanent weight as compared to those who only make changes to diet or exercise alone click here for more info.
Workout helps rev up the body metabolism and blast the calories during and after your workout session. If you have lost of gained or lost or gained weight after a period of time, ensure you are sticking to a workout plan which you know you can maintain for a longer period time.
Picture Credit: mojzagrebinfo